The Client
Danske Commodities A/S is a company trading in electricity and gas across numerous European markets.
The Issue
Danske trades energy in multiple European markets. Each of these presents unique challenges to cross-border communications and document management. Danske needed a document solutions partner to cost-effectively deliver highly technical energy-related documentation in most major European languages.
„By working with experts in document solutions for the energy industry, Danske has enhanced its market presence across Europe, while at the same time benefitting from efficient, coordinated service by generating substantial savings.”
- Henrik Bystrup, Senior Trader, Danske Commodities A/S
Exen’s Approach
We started out with an assessment of Danske’s operations and requirements relating to localised content in each market. Next, we designed a document management programme to address the various challenges, including:
- UCTE terminology – we created custom glossaries based on the UCTE Operation Handbook to ensure the highest level of quality and compliance with EU norms.
- Local subject matter experts – since energy laws and regulations, and thus terminology, differ markedly from market to market, we selected a number of industry experts to further enhance quality.
- Project management – in coordinating extensive localisation projects across multiple markets, we focused on optimising project efficiency, ensuring seamless delivery and maintaining the highest level of quality throughout the process.
The Outcome
100% on-time project delivery, 40% reduction in total cost, significant increase in content quality and consistency.